
{inspired by} holly golightly (day 2)

cardigan: target, dress: f21, belt: vintage (from 7th grd)

Oh hello there. No I'm not talking about Audrey Hepburn's black sheath & pearls & sunglasses & fashion sense. (which I admit, while classic, is jaded by the billions of posters of her hanging up on the dorm walls of freshmen girls everywhere)

According to my 60s History prof, Holly's quite a daring woman. While women acoss American lived in suburbs, cooked for their husbands, & popped out babies, Holly was independent, single (ish?), threw fabulous parties & made her own dollas in the big scary city (though through questionable methods); not giving a care on what others thought of her.

Fast forward to 2010 when I woke up late for my 8:30am & quickly threw on some clothes. En route to class, I realized that I was rocking the UofM uniform in black yoga pants, an American Apparel deep v-neck, a black North Face & a pair of Sperry Topsiders. Though out here in the midwest, Northface is probably designer. If you roll out of bed & throw on some sweats-- no one'd even notice. But if you're in a cute dress that actually fits and nice shoes-- well, you might come off as trying too hard.

Since Holly didn't care that people thought she was a fallen woman, then I'm okay with trying too hard. So I changed into a dress, went to class, & snuck up to the 6th floor of B-School for some photos. I introduce to you the 2010 Holly- risk taker & seasoned rebel.

1 comment:

  1. i really like the way you write the posts. i haven't updated mine yet. i got home so late last night. i'll do it tonight! hopefully.


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