
First Post

     I figured that after hundreds of hours spent on google reader over the last three years reading style blogs (while procrastinating papers and finals studying), it's about time to start my own. I've been flirting with the idea of blogging for a while, but have not had the guts to committ. Over the last few weeks, I've given it some serious thought, and I'm ready to take the plunge and give this relationship my best.

     I want this blog to be a learning and a reflective experience. I have been so inspired by all the bloggers out there- from Garance to teenfashionista (now classic case) to Oh Joy to so many others that I could not possibly list all of them. Through all these talented and stylish men and women, I have learned to appreciate many exquisite details in my surroundings that I had completely missed before. In this blog, I want to share my thoughts and ideas not just on clothing and fashion, but on all the beautiful things in life that constantly inspire me and fill me with awe. That may include fashion, design, books, cooking, or just people in general. I really hope that you will find something worthy here, just as I have in the blogging world of so many others.

     I would like to end this first post with a quote from a very classic children's book, "The Little Prince". Towards the end of the book, the little prince tells the narrator about his secret, and says, "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." In my posts, you might find me overly analytical at times, and we might focus on what looks good very often. But I truely believe that style is achieved through an appreciation for the beauty within. And that can only be seen with the heart.



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