
Giving Thanks... in 2010

I don't think anyone can deny the love we all have for thanksgiving. No school (or work), pigging out, bonding with the fam, and cybermonday (and/or black friday)... I am incredibly grateful for a break at this time of year, and an opportunity to give thanks. This year I spent my thanksgiving day in yoga pants and an oversized sweater- and I could not be happier with my fashion decisions as I laid flat out on the livingroom rug post-stuffing my face dinner.

Here is the short list of what I'm thankful this year (trust me, you don't want the long list- it'll take forever to read)
1. my parents, for always loving me and putting up with my childish ways all these years.
2. being in the company of really really ridiculously fabulous people while I shop/ study/ work/ cook/ discuss fashion/ travel/ gossip... etc.
3. health. though I'm still really young, I'm getting to the point when I start worrying about my parents/family getting sick... I'm glad everyone is healthy and well. 
4. optimism. I'm a firm believer in that as long as you look for the good in people and life, things will turn out. There's nothing more important than keeping an optimistic attitude if you want a happy life.

Annnd here comes the best part, some pictures of the delicious/will-make-you-salivate foods that I've had the opportunity to make/eat this last week. Enjoy! 

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